Thursday, May 1, 2008

One Last Thing...

I changed my blog layout cause I wanted a renewed look but the only one I really liked that wasn't too dark or too light or too plain or too anything else is this one.  
Actually there weren't ANY that weren't "too something" cause I find this one is too PINK but of all the templates this was the one I liked the most DESPITE the pinkness.  I don't know anything about html codes and whatnot so, at least for now, it's gonna have to be a predesigned layout.  

And it's gonna have to be pink.


Also, Yesterday I drew this pic of Neo Queen Serenity.  I was just doodling while I watched cartoons on Family  (the station, not cartoons about family.. though I suppose some of them are both) *note the little Ron from Kim Possible....* I didn't have a reference; meaning she was drawn from memory so some of the details might be off.  I had my Ben Caldwell sketchbook near me to help with the style.  I would love to be able to draw in his style.   I dunno how it does it; he's super awesome.

Sketchnight Stuff

Holla! Welcome to my corner of the interwebs!

This blog was originally created to post up all my homework and assignments I was doing will I was in the Pre-Animation Program at Algonquin College.  Well school is finished now ;_; but I've decided to keep the blog alive and to continue to post my artwork.  Why not?  

My plan is to go to as many (every?) Tuesday Night Sketchnights as possible throughout the summer and to post what I've drawn there.  There is also a Friday life drawing workshop so I will attend that too and post up my stuff.  Theoretically I should be posting some artwork twice a week, maybe more often.  It might also help me to understand my scanner (it's sad that I still don't know how it works really after almost 7 months of using it...).  Unfortunately I don't know much about the programs I have installed on my computer meaning I don't know how to make my scanned images smaller without loosing some image quality so until I figure that out the things I post will either be rather large or sorta.... "rough around the edges".  Sorry about that...

Anyhow, here's part of the page I filled up last Tuesday.  I'm making it my goal to fill at least one page at Sketchnight.  My sketchbook is larger then what my scanner can scan though so things get cut off...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008